The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in huge amounts of waste from single-use medical devices, including rapid tests that work based on nanogold. Large quantities of these tests are discarded and incinerated. When burning one million rapid tests, we throw away 0.1 gram of gold and 5,000 kg of plastic, with a total value of €15,000. In the project, we will recycle rapid tests and separate individual high-quality components (gold, plastic) and use them as a secondary resource. With the project, we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that would occur during incineration and achieve a transition to a circular economy through the efficient use of secondary sources. The aim is also to set an example of good practice on how to tackle more complex recycling.
The project content follows the long-term goal of the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy, which includes reducing waste disposal in landfills and increasing the reuse and recycling of waste. The project is financed from the funds of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism within the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Program, in the amount of € 674,873.85.
Goal: To develop a process and innovative technology for the dismantling and recycling of rapid tests to high-quality secondary raw materials (gold and plastic) for independent processing or incorporation into new products.
Duration of the project: 1. 10. 2022 – 30. 4. 2024
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor (lead partner)
- Plastika Skaza d.o.o.
- Faculty of Polymer Technology
- IMT Ljubljana
- Zlatarna Celje d.o.o.
- UKC Maribor
- Surovina d.o.o. Maribor
More about the program: https://www.norwaygrants.si/en/