Flipped Practical Courses VIA Triple learning Environments which developed by Triple Experts teams who are empowered through Triple Enhance programs

Project acronym: 3EEE
Program: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE - Capacity building in the field of higher education
Partners: Palestine Technical University Kadoorie (Palestine), Al-Quds University (Palestine), Palestine Polytechnic University (Palestine), University College of Applied Sciences (Palestine), Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission (Palestine), Faculty of Polymer Technology (Slovenia), Mitropolitiko College Anoymi Ekpaideytiki Etairia (Greece), Edex - Educational Excellence Corporation limited (Cyprus), Hochschule der Wirtschaft fur Management Gmbh (Germany), Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), Arab American University Private stock company (Palestine), Ministry of Higher Education (Palestine)
Goal: The goal of the 3EEE project is to develop and pilot performance of lectures and courses using the flipped classroom method, to train a group of trainers who will train other higher education teachers and colleagues in the field of the flipped classroom method, to build or improve existing learning platforms in the institutions of the partner countries so that they can successfully use this method and develop and accredit short- and long-term training programs related to the discussed innovative pedagogical method and tools.
Lead partner: Palestine Technical University Kadoorie (Palestine)
Project leader at FTPO: Maja Mešl
Duration of the project: 1. 11. 2022 – 31. 10. 2026