Current projects

Current projects

Flipped Practical Courses VIA Triple learning Environments which developed by Triple Experts teams who are empowered through Triple Enhance programs 

International cooperation - COST action CA 18220 - European Network of FURan based chemicals and materials FOR Sustainable development (FUR4Sustain). (European Network for Furan-Based Chemicals and Materials, for Sustainable Development).


Project name: Promoting Sustainable Regional Development through Additive Manufacturing: A Cross-Border Initiative for a Resilient and Circular Economy

Project acronym: ADDCIRCLES


The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Slovenia-Austria Interreg program.

Project full name: Understanding, monitoring, and remediating the spread of chemical, microbiological and plastic pollution in drinking water treatment plants

Project Acronym: NIAGARA

Programme/Call: HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION-01

50 pieces of state-of-the-art research equipment
1700 potential employers in Slovenia
4 students per lecturer is a guarantee of top-quality study process
40 top experts creating and implementing education and training programmes
  • Slovenščina