Completed projects

Completed projects

Completed projects

Factory Labs

Factory Labs

Project “Factory Labs” was a joint project of two partners, HTL Wolfsberg and The Polymer Technology College, which was approved within the Operational Programme Slovenia-Austria 2007-2013, Objective 3 – European Territorial Cooperation in 2012. The operation was partially co-financed by European Union, European Regional Development Fund. The goal of the project was to build two educational laboratories, one in Austria and one in Slovenia, equipped with appropriate laboratory equipment.

The laboratory of HTL, the lead partner, covers the research in the field of production efficiency and product development, and the laboratory at FTPO covers the areas of biodegradability, life cycle assessment, sustainable development, resource- and energy efficiency (collection of materials and resources for studying the effects on the properties of individual resources and energy; apparatus for measuring energy efficiency of products and processes; improvements of the durability of plastics / with the life cycle analysis; methods and techniques in the area of resources/energy efficiency).

50 pieces of state-of-the-art research equipment
1700 potential employers in Slovenia
4 students per lecturer is a guarantee of top-quality study process
40 top experts creating and implementing education and training programmes
  • Slovenščina