Polymer evenings

Polymer evenings
Public inaugural lecture of Mag. Maja Turičnik
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Public inaugural lecture of Mag. Maja Turičnik

On Tuesday, November 20th, 2018, Mag. Maja Turičnik, successfully finished her habilitation process with a public lecture titled ”The Third Group of the Periodic Table of the Elements”. After her presentation, she was appointed lecturer by the expert commission, consisting of Associate Professor Dr. Miroslav Huskić from FTPO, Associate Professor Dr. Matjaž Kristl and Full Professor Dr. Peter Krajnc, both from the University of Maribor.

In the academic year 2018/2019, Maja Turičnik will be responsible for the laboratory exercises of the courses “General Chemistry”, “Polymer Chemistry” and “Introduction to Polymer Materials” within FTPO’s bachelor program.

We sincerely congratulate Maja for successfully completing the habilitating process and wish her all the best for her future career.

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