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News and events
Event date: 10. 2. 2021 - 10. 2. 2021 Export event
Online workshop "Thermally Conductive Materials & Testing of Thermal Conductivity"
/ Categories: News, News and events

Online workshop "Thermally Conductive Materials & Testing of Thermal Conductivity"

The online workshop focuses on the question which materials with very high thermal conductivity are already available on the market, in which application areas they can be applied and which new developments are being targeted. As a further focus the exact determination of the thermal conductivity will be discussed, what challenges exist in the measurement and how these influences can be kept low.



Start: 09:30

  • Welcome, Introduction
  • Lectures/Experts:
  • "Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity using the Hot Disk ‐ method"
  • C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik GmbH / Dr. Peter Plenk
  • "Tailoring the thermal conductivity of plastic materials with boron nitride"
  • 3M Advanced Materials Division / Dr. Stefanie Wildhack
  • "Tailoring the thermal conductivity of plastic materials with boron nitride"
  • ZBT Zentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik GmbH / DI Marco Grundler
  • Questions, Discussion
  • PolyMetal next activities

Registration: mail to: [email protected], Deadline 08.02.2021

The link for the invitation to the ms teams online workshop will be send after registration one day before the workshop. The workshop will be organized within the SI‐AT Interreg project PolyMetal, the participation is free of charge. The main goal of the project PolyMetal is the transnational cooperation, networking and joint R&D of SMEs and R&D institutions on the development of polymer based solutions, which could replace stainless steel or aluminum for design demanding products in different sectors. The joint R&D activities will focus on a promising research area, the development and processing of cost efficient, metal look and feel like polymer solutions.

More info of the PolyMetal project on:

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