News and events

News and events
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Special Issue; Towards a Sustainable and Recyclable Future with Wood and Wood-Based Composites under expertise Assist. Prof. Dr. Klementina Pušnik Črešnar and Scientific Assocciate Dr.Olivija the Guests Editors are available.

The special Issue serves as a as a comprehensive platform for the knowledge, research findings, innovative approaches related to Sustainable and Recyclable Future with Wood and Wood-Based Composites.

The submission deadline is 20 May 2024; however, papers may be submitted immediately or at any time prior to the deadline, as papers will be published on an ongoing basis.


We encourage you to check out the Special Issue website at:


The features of Materials are as follows (


1. An open access journal of materials science;

2. Indexed by SCIE, EI, Scopus, and PubMed, and achieves high visibility;

3. Its 2022 impact factor is 3.4, and its 2022 CiteScore is 5.2;

4. Manuscripts are peer reviewed, and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 14 days after submission


Dont miss the opportunity. Lets go together towards sustainable and recyclable future. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Faculty of Polymer Technology, in cooperation with the Pulp and Paper Institute, is organizing the 3rd International Circular Packaging Conference.  It will be held on October 19-20 at the premises of the Pulp and Paper Institute in Ljubljana.

More information about the conference and registration HERE.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

On September 21 and 22, 2023, the Faculty of Polymer Technology will host the first international conference within the framework of the IPPT-TWINN project (1st International IPPT_TWINN conference on Challenges, trends and solutions in developing and processing of recycled polymer materials).

All information and registration available on the official website of the IPPT-TWINN project.

More about the IPPT-TWINN project here.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Kindly invited to visit us at the International Industry Fair, which will take place from 18th April to 21st April, 2023 in Celje. The last day of the fair, Friday, 21st April, 2023, will be dedicated to the plastics industry, where the Faculty of Polymer Technology and GIZ Grozd Plasttehnika will act as organizers of the central event. The event will be held under the slogan "Innovative technologies in the plastics industry". The interlocutors will talk about the topics of innovative processing technologies, the use of Hololens technology in practice, the presentation of educational opportunities at free workshops in Slovenia and abroad, additive technology and duroplast recycling. The event will also be an excellent opportunity for networking and exchanging ideas. There will also be enough time for your questions and conversations between individual sets of lectures.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Kindly invited to the FTPO Polymer Evening on the topic "ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES OF HOT RUNNER SYSTEMS IN MOULDS".

The lecturer will be José Dantas, CEO Yudo KAM Global.

The technology to be presented is related with latest technology available to produce plastics parts reducing cycle time, improving quality, reducing scrap ratio at same time offer to the user better view of window process.

The event is free for all participants. The lecture will be in English.

Please fill out the FORM to register.

Friday, June 17, 2022

On Thursday evening, 16 June 2022, after a long time, the FTPO hosted the Polymer Evening on the topic "Drying of technical plastic polymers".

The lecture was led by Ing. Robert Tesar from Vismec Srl. (Italy). Ing. Robert Tesar studied plastics Engineer at the technicalinstitute TGM in Vienna. His work experience includes  production of plastic molding in HB-Plastic and Philips in Austria, technical applications in Arburg in Germany and Engel in Austria and finally sales and technical consultant in Maguire in UK and USA and Piovan, Moretto and Vismec in Italy.

Quite some time has passed since our last Polymer Evening, so we were extremely happy with the response of the participants. More than 40 representatives of various Slovenian companies and representatives of our faculty, received answers to many questions regarding the drying of plastic materials. Different types of plastic materials and drying principles were presented, as well as which drying technologies are available on the market. After the lecture, a rich discussion on the topic was developed among the participants, and at the reception there was an opportunity for networking.

With such events, the FTPO wants to continue to offer current content in the field of polymer technology and to maintain its connection with the economy. The next FTPO polymer evening is already planned for the fall months.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Kindly invited to the FTPO Polymer Evening on the topic "DRYING OF TECHNICAL PLASTIC POLYMERS".

The lecturer will be Ing. Robert Tesar from company Vismec Srl., Italy.

The lecture will explain when it is necessary to dry the material, which drying technologies are available on the market, how individual types work and what their differences are.

The event is free for all participants. The lecture will be in English.

Please fill out the FORM to register.

Monday, April 4, 2022

We kindly invite you to visit us at the International Industrial Fair (MIS), which will take place from 5 to 8 April 2022 in Celje, Slovenia. The last day of the fair, Friday, April 8, 2022, will be dedicated to the plastics industry, where the main event will be organized by the Faculty of Polymer Technology and GIZ Grozd Plasttehnika in cooperation with SRIP MATPRO and SRIP Krožno gospodarstvo. The event will be held under the slogan Plastic is not a problem, it is the solution! and will be divided into four thematic sessions. Within these, the speakers will touch on the topics of trends, EU regulatory measures, trends and the current situation in the field of polymer industry, namely in the field of thermoplastic materials and technologies, composites and elastomers. We will also touch on the areas of recycling, biocomposites and modern characterization methods that can be used to reduce errors and optimize processes.

Friday, November 12, 2021

We are kindly invite you to our Start Circles Workshop: Compostability of polymeric materials, which will be organized on Wednesday, 17th of November 2021, at 13.00, via MS Teams.

The workshop will be led by our Vice-Dean for Education, izr. prof. dr. Irena Pulko.

The workshop is free of charge by prior registration.


Kindly invited.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Kindly invited to online free workshop where experts from field of sustainable planning will show you how to connect in order to succeed in circular projects in the plastic and wood sector.

The workshop will be given by DI Herfried Lammer, an area manager at Wood K plus in St. Veit and our Head of the Centre for cooperation with industry, Silvester Bolka.

Workshop is free, with required prior registration:

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

On Thursday, September 30, 2021, the final conference of the PolyMetal project entitled "Design flexibility of plastics, but look and feel like metals: PolyMetal successful crossboarder cooperation" took place at the Montanuniversität in Leoben.

Monday, September 20, 2021

In September, a 4-day training took place at our faculty as part of the Polyflip project, where we are developing and testing the Flipped classroom approach for engineering higher education study programs with partners from 3 countries. The project is implemented within the ERASMUS + Strategic Partnerships program, where our faculty is the initiator and leading partner of the project.

More info about the live Polyflip training HERE.

Visit also an official project webpage.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The aim of the conference is to connect different stakeholders from industry, academia design studios, brand owners and all involved in the packaging life cycle. Main goals are to share knowledge, good practices, ideas and to make new connections in the transformation from linear to circular packaging supply chains and business models.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Plastic gears conference aims to bring together theorists, experimentalists and industrialists in the field of polymer gears research as well as applications. The conference will be held from 17th to 18th June 2021 at the Faculty of Polymer Technology (FTPO) in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia. We hope to provide a venue for discussions between scientists and engineers from academia and industry, bridging fundamental and applied aspects of the polymeric gears.

Due to the unfortunate Covid-19 situation, the conference will be organised as a hybrid conference, online and onsite.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

As part of the Start Circles project, an international virtual conference was held on 3 February 2021, at which the existing R&D competencies in the field of the circular economy were presented, with an emphasis on plastic and wood materials in Slovenia and Austria.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

As part of the Polymetal project, we invite you to online workshop "Thermally Conductive Materials & Testing of Thermal Conductivity", which will focus on the question which materials with very high thermal conductivity are already available on the market, in which application areas they can be applied and which new developments are being targeted.

More information at:




Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Cross-border conference will present existing R&D competences in the field of circular economy with the emphasis on plastic and wood materials. The aim of the conference is to present Circular economy challenges in Austrian and Slovenian wood and plastics sector, to show some good cases of collaboration among companies and research institutions and to point out upcoming funding opportunities in EU. There will also be an interactive group discussion on circular economy with representative of industry, companies and research institutions on collaboration on circular economy. 

Kindly invited to online free conference where experts from field of sustainable planning will show you how to connect in order to succeed in circular projects in the plastic and wood sector.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sewage sludge occurs in wastewater treatment process, regardles the wastewater technology applied. It presents up to 40% of wastewater treatment costs and therefore impacts every household water bill.

Sludge drying reed beds are a natural technology for sludge mineralisation, dewatering and stabilisation. The main benefits of the technology is its' low energy consumption and low operating costs. The technology is GHG emission-free. The case was contributed by LIMNOS Ltd.

The material obtained is humus, but in case of heavy metal containment, the material can be recycled for bioplastics.

Within the project the partner Faculty of polymer technology developed a biocomposite with recycled polypylen as matrix material and characterized it to see whether it could be used for parts for the water treatment process and with this close the waste circle.

For the compatibilization of humus into thermoplastic matrix the recycled polypropylene was chosen. To achive good distribution of humus inside the composite and also to prevent thermal and oxidative degradation lubricant, antioxidant and compatibilizer were added. Tests were done with addition of 15 wt.% and 30 wt.% of humus into the composite. The stiffness rise for 2 % and 13 %, the strength decreases for 15 % and 21 %, also the elongation at break decreases for 79 % and 87 % for the composites with 15 wt.% and 30 wt.% of humus respectively.

The sewage sludge can be used as filler for thermoplastic matrix for the static loaded parts with low deformation or low load. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

On Thursday,  24th and Friday 25th September, 2020, the Faculty of Polymer Technology is hosting an international conference MultiComp, the final meeting within the COST campaign CA15107 - Multi-Functional Nano-Carbon Composite Materials Network (MultiComp).  

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Online Workshop "Thermally Conductive Materials"

The focus of the online workshop will be to show new ways to master challenges in heat dissipation of systems in various fields of application, also with polymer solutions and to exchange experiences between experts and participants in the discussion following the presentations. In addition, a short insight will be shown into what else is possible in the lighting sector besides thermally conductive polymers to achieve certain effects (transparent, diffuse and reflective white).


«March 2025»
50 pieces of state-of-the-art research equipment
1700 potential employers in Slovenia
4 students per lecturer is a guarantee of top-quality study process
40 top experts creating and implementing education and training programmes
  • Slovenščina