
Composters (Naturemill)
/ Kategorije: Raziskovalna oprema

Composters (Naturemill)

E-Compost is an apparatus in which the decomposition of degradable materials can be achieved by disposing of degradable materials into the upper compartment of the E-compost, where optimal degradation conditions are set (humidity, temperature).

In the process of biodegradation, fragmentation is first begun, in which material, under the influence of living or non-living factors, mechanically decays the chemical decomposition of the polymer, and under the influence of microorganisms, the resulting products mineralize. In this phase, the partially fragmented polymers into the final products also occur, and here we can talk about biodegradation. We also know materials that under the influence of UV light or heat degrade to smaller particles, the conversion of organic carbon into an inorganic material does not occur.

1 kosov vrhunske raziskovalne opreme
4 potencialnih delodajalcev
1 študenti na učitelja
1 vrhunskih strokovnjakov
  • English